Frequently Asked Questions

SureSmile® Questions

We’re happy to answer any questions you might have about our dentistry services, patient procedures, and more.

SureSmile® FAQs

Here you can find answers to our most commonly asked questions. If you have any further questions or can’t find the answer you’re looking for, please contact us and we’ll make sure you get the information you need to make a confident decision about your dental health!

Are brackets needed for SureSmile®?

Not at all, and there are no wires either! SureSmile® in Rochester Hills, MI, corrects bite issues with a series of custom-molded, clear, plastic aligners. Dr. McClelland will plan out your tooth movements so each set of aligners can be properly prepared.

How often will aligners need to be worn each year?

Our dentist in Rochester Hills, MI will recommend a wearing schedule based on your individual needs and alignment goals. Aligners typically need to be worn for most of your day. They can be taken out to eat and when brushing and flossing, or playing sports that could result in facial contact.

Are there restrictions on food for SureSmile® wearers?

There are no food restrictions at all, as per the advice of your trusted team for dentistry in Rochester Hills, MI. This is because the aligners are completely removable. However, we recommend brushing or rinsing after you eat and before you put your aligner back in.

Is there any discomfort when wearing SureSmile®?

You may feel some sensitivity for a day or two after you start wearing each set of aligners. This just means the aligners are working and helping to shift your teeth in the right direction.

How are the aligners cleaned?

All you’ll have to do is remove your aligners and brush them with a toothbrush and toothpaste. They can also be rinsed with warm water.

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