Frequently Asked Questions

Teeth Whitening Questions

We’re happy to answer any questions you might have about our dentistry services, patient procedures, and more.

Teeth Whitening FAQs

Here you can find answers to our most commonly asked questions. If you have any further questions or can’t find the answer you’re looking for, please contact us and we’ll make sure you get the information you need to make a confident decision about your dental health!

What can I do about stained or discolored teeth?

Since teeth whitening has now become the number one aesthetic concern of many patients, there are many products and methods available to achieve a brighter smile.

What are the options for teeth whitening, and how do they work?

Professional teeth whitening (or bleaching) is a simple, non-invasive dental treatment that enhances the color of natural tooth enamel, making it an ideal way to improve the beauty of your smile. Over-the-counter products are also available, but they are typically less effective than professional treatments and may not be approved by the American Dental Association (ADA). There are two main options for professional teeth whitening:

  • Home Teeth Whitening Systems: These involve a gel placed in a custom-fitted mouthguard (tray), made from a mold of your teeth. The trays are worn twice a day for about 30 minutes or overnight while sleeping. Results typically take a few weeks, depending on the degree of staining and your whitening goals.
  • In-Office Teeth Whitening: Performed in a dental office, this method provides immediate results, though it may require more than one visit. The process takes about 30 to 60 minutes per session, where a bleaching solution is applied to the teeth, sometimes enhanced by a special light.

What causes teeth discoloration, and how can I maintain my results after whitening?

Teeth naturally darken with age as the outer enamel wears down, revealing a yellowish layer underneath. Other common causes of discoloration include smoking, and consuming coffee, tea, wine, or certain medications. Even excessive fluoride exposure (fluorosis) during childhood can contribute to staining. It’s essential to consult your dentist to determine if you’re a good candidate for teeth whitening, as some stains, like those from tetracycline or fluorosis, may not respond well to bleaching.

Teeth whitening is not permanent, so you may need touch-ups every few years to maintain a bright smile. Your dentist can also recommend treatments like veneers or crowns for stains that are difficult to bleach. Additionally, whitening only affects natural tooth enamel, so any old fillings or crowns should be replaced after whitening to match your new shade.

How long do results last?

Teeth whitening in Rochester Hills, MI, is not a permanent process. How long the results last will depend on several factors, including what kind of foods and beverages you enjoy. If you generally avoid stain-inducing foods, you may be able to wait for a year or more to have another treatment.

Will the treatments damage the enamel?

Several studies involving common substances used for teeth whitening procedures in dentistry in Rochester Hills, MI, show there is no damage to the enamel surface or the hardness or mineral content of teeth.

Does teeth whitening affect dental restorations?

In the studies referenced above, no damage to restorations or implants was observed either. However, teeth whitening processes will not lighten bridges, veneers, crowns, or fillings that are tooth-colored. You may need to have highly visible restorations re-done to match your newly lightened teeth.

Are results immediate?

It depends on the process you prefer. With Zoom! In-Office Whitening, for example, results are typically immediate. The take-home kits and options we offer are more gradual, but they can produce noticeable results when used as directed.

Are teeth whitening procedures covered by insurance?

Typically, the answer is no. However, we offer several options with teeth whitening. Therefore, we can direct you towards a solution appropriate for your budget.

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